Saturday, August 9, 2008

Marraige Tag

  • What is his name? Gregorey Alan Effler
    •What is your full maiden name? Charlotte Bailey
    •How long have you been together? Married for just over 2 years
    •How long did you date? 6 months
    •How old is he? 24
    •Who said I love you first? He did.
    •Who is taller? Same height both 5ft 6
    •Who sings better? Were both tone def
    •Who is smarter? Both in toatally different way's
    •Whose temper is worse? MINE...
    •Who does the laundry? I do
    •Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? I did when he was here, but that might change, I've been sleeping on his side scince he's been gone.
    •Who pays the bills? Greg
    •Who mows the lawn? Were about even now!
    •Who does the dishes? I do... He organizes
    •Who cooks dinner? Mostly me
    •Who drives when you are together?Ill get teesed for this one, but mostly me...

•Who is more stubborn? Thats Hard... Were both hard headed.
•Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? I think me.
•Who kissed who first? Mutual!!!
•Who proposed? He did.. The sweetest way ever..
•Who is more sensitive? Greg for sure...
•Who has more friends? Me.
•Who wears the pants in the family? AAHH.. thats probably me again.
•How many kids do you want to have? Were happy with our three.
Now I tag you....whoever reads it!!!


Jon & Kim said...

I am so sad for you right now. I am sure you miss him so much. Hang in there you are getting closer. Love ya Char!!

Anonymous said...

How cute! Your wedding was one of my favorite! Geez! Greg is going to be home in one month, right? I am so excited for are amazing! and thank goodness for these blogs..I feel like we haven't seen you forever!!

Summerhunt said...

That is so funny. Your the man driver! and Gregs your Bitch!