Friday, May 16, 2008

Our Hero!!!

I've realized over the past week without greg just how lucky me and the kids really are. The past two years being married to greg has been the best years of my life. We met through some mutual friends and fell in love instantly. I new that he was who i wanted to spend the rest of my life with and be the father of hayden and shy. He's such a great dad to them, he's patient, and loves them as if they've been his forever. Now we have beautiful little london ( who is the spitting image of greg) and could not ask for anything more. We miss him very much, but know that this temporary leave will only make us stronger and happier. I'm so proud of him! We love and miss you so much.


Sadie Love said...

He is such a good guy Char. I am so glad you found someone like him. I am always here if you need a break from your kids or to talk. Love ya

Jon & Kim said...

Hey Char what a sweet post. We all love Greag because he has given you what you deserve. You have come so far and have been through so much. He is a great guy and you deserve eachother!